What is the key to assessing big decisions and overcoming obstacles that he used? He didn’t want to waste his ‘God-given talent’ of teaching and then regret not doing it. He would have regretted not joining the ‘speaking circuit,’ where he has met and trained thousands in the wedding industry to grow their businesses.
He had a clear vision of what he wanted to do, he knew the obstacles involved, set out to overcome them, knowing the whole time that there was a high failure risk. He didn’t want to be 80 years old and regret what he could have done for this industry. His theme every morning? ‘It’s a Bright New Day Filled with Possibilities!’
Will you look back with regret at what could have been in your wedding organization? Maybe you’ve owned your bridal business for a long time or been in an executive position for a few years, but are you leading or managing?
Leadership is about making the hard choices and living with the outcomes, good or bad. Managing is more about ‘not doing the hard things-keeping all running smoothly’ thus making sure employees, vendors and customers are all happy.
Sometimes though, the path to a greater success requires you to ‘rock the boat,’ to the point of tipping it over.
The first step is to: Know where you are going in this industry. Too many bridal companies start with a ‘passionate idea,’ and then ‘just survive the ride.’ They are not plotting their growth plan; they are doing what they’ve always done, hoping that it’s enough to get by for another day. If you are a leader, you won’t go for that.
This is where leadership comes in. Do you have the DISCIPLINE (consistency plus perseverance) or SELF CONTROL (the ability in the heat of the moment to take a specific action in the right direction) and COURAGE (Strength of purpose, to do your best and not swerve from your path) to grow your business?
None of these changes are easy. But that’s the difference between a leader and a manager. A leader says, ‘we are going a different direction and that means things are going to have to change.’ Your other option is to leave things alone and play it safe. But get ready, Chris won’t be standing next to you at 80, when you declare, ‘I could have done so much more!!’
Evans Sales Solutions/ Bridal Marketing Concierge, leaders in the wedding industry with support products, business training, sales & marketing techniques to grow your business. As a solutions-based and results-driven concierge we create opportunities to grow your bridal business sales and increase your profitability. Reach us by calling: 805-322-4446 or go to: www.BridalMarketingConcierge.com
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