Something Old....what's working for you right now that has been around for a long time? Face to face visits! I realize that it's extremely easy to stop having those visits with our customers, however, one of the top wants of a bride and groom planning their wedding is.....a relationship. Let's look back: remember when the phone call was easier than setting up a time to meet face to face? How about when the FAX machine was easier to contact the brides than a phone call.....then it moved to 'the internet and emailing,' and now it's social media (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn). However, the BEST OLD close an actual sale, is to meet with your clients again!
Something New....let me hook you into some ideas that are WORKING! Have you checked out: to create easy videos that help you in your rankings on line, plus are great advertisements for your company? How about using to get your press releases out in the community or At Evans Sales Solutions, we just started working with a company that helps you create an entire email follow up and follow through system--that will blow your mind! We'd be happy to share it with you when you contact us for more information! Email me: (and ask for the f/u & f/through system)
Something Borrowed....OK, this make sense to 'borrow' from the huge amount of 'business background' that our team brings to you. Have you read the book, 'How to Double Your Wedding Business in 12 Months?' or have you attended a 'Bridal Business Boot Camp,' that gives you education to grow your wedding business? Have you signed up for the FREE newsletter, video or ebook to grow your company through our website? Do it (Register today!)
and Something about the Ocean? It's incredible in Atlantic City! You are invited to participate in the Bridal Business Academy in May 2013--where you'll hear from experts in the field of business and the wedding industry! Sign up early for the discount! Click here for more information and registration: Bridal Business Academy